This tutorial will cover how to access and recognize the different screens on Central
Start by clicking the following link:
You will then be greeted by this screen
You will have the option to use either a User name or email address to login. Which one you use will vary depending upon the time frame of your account creation. If you are not sure please click on this link to ask which one you should use.
You will then enter your password, if this is not known use the above link to get your password reset.
Click "Login"
You will be taken to a screen that looks similar to this
Currently the "Dashboard" and the "News" lead to the same page. This provides important updates that are being made to the site, or issues that can effect users.
Projects will let you see your account balances
If you have mutiple accounts or project numbers they will appear here.
The Donors button will take you to a list of your donors. Here you can view contact information about each individual donor. You can also view donations that have been made by each individual donator.
To view information and donations of a donor click on "View"
If you need to submit an expense to be paid via your support you can click on "Expense Reports"
To start a new expense report click on "+Add"
After you have filled out all of the required fields marked with a red asterrisk you can click on "Save"
The Expense Reports section also allows you to view if the submitted requests that have been paid. You will be able to check the status on the far right side of the page.
If you have any further questions that are not covered by this tutorial please feel free to click here to submit a ticket to ABWE support.